Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Needlepointin' fool!

I've been needlepointing like crazy this past week or so. I took a long train ride to Prague (I'm studying in Budapest for the semester, which explains my long hiatus from the world of craftiness) and needlepointed the whole way!

My first needlepoint project was an iPod case for the boyfriend that I started back in August or something. I left for Budapest and didn't have the measurements for the front, so only the back got finished. I borrowed someone's iPod here that was the same generation as Rob's and finished that sucker.

My second needlepoint project was a tampon case. After I got here I started using OB tampons because they're way cheaper... and they're so small and cute, they needed a small cute case to live in!

iPod case - back

iPod case - front

Tampon case - back

Tampon case - front

My tampons look like torpedoes! It fits 5 perfectly... this means I am awesome!